Cross-Cultural Assessment of Eating Disorders: Psychometric Characteristics of a Korean Version of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 and the Bulimia Test-Revised

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric characteristics of a Korean version of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2; D. M. Garner, 1990) and the Bulimia Test-Revised (BULIT-R; M. H. Theien, J. Farmer, S. Wonderlich, & M. Smith, 1991). Internal consistency and content validity were examined by administering the Korean EDI-2 and BULIT-R to 224 Korean, bilingual, college women. Construct validity was examined by administering the English and Korean tests to a subset of 145 women 1 week apart. Convergent by wod examined by comparing results of the Korean BUIT-R with the 601-2 Bulimia subscde. High levels of internal comhtency-, and high content, construct, and convergent validity, were obaervedfir the Korean tests. Thu, the Korean EDI-2 and BULIT-R are apprvpriate screening tests for Korean American and Korean women.