Integration of multiple signal transducing pathways on Fgf response elements of theXenopus caudalhomologueXcad3

Early neural patterning along the anteroposterior (AP) axis appears to involve a number of signal transducing pathways, but the precise role of each of these pathways for AP patterning and how they are integrated with signals that govern neural induction step is not well understood. We investigate the nature of Fgf response element (FRE) in a posterior neural gene, Xcad3 (Xenopus caudal homologue) that plays a crucial role of posterior neural development. We provide evidence that FREs of Xcad3 are widely dispersed in its intronic sequence and that these multiple FREs comprise Ets-binding and Tcf/Lef-binding motifs that lie in juxtaposition. Functional and physical analyses indicate that signaling pathways of Fgf, Bmp and Wnt are integrated on these FREs to regulate the expression of Xcad3 in the posterior neural tube through positively acting Ets and Sox family transcription factors and negatively acting Tcf family transcription factor(s).