Empirical solvation models can be used to differentiate native from near‐native conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor

Several hydration models for peptides and proteins based on solvent accessible surface area have been proposed previously. We have evaluated some of these models as well as four new ones in the context of near-native conformations of a protein. In addition, we propose an empirical site–site distance-dependent correction that can be used in conjuction with any of these models. The set of near-native structures consisted of 39 conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) each of which was a local minimum of an empirical energy function (ECEPP) in the absence of solvent. Root-mean-square (rms) deviations from the crystallographically determined structure were in the following ranges: 1.06–1.94 Å for all heavy atoms, 0.77–1.36 Å for all backbone heavy atoms, 0.68–1.33 Å for all α-carbon atoms, and 1.41–2.72 Å for all side-chain heavy atoms. We have found that there is considerable variation among the solvent models when evaluated in terms of concordance between the solvation free energy and the rms deviations from the crystallographically determined conformation. The solvation model for which the best concordance (0.939) with the rms deviations of the Cα atoms was found was derived from NMR coupling constants of peptides in water combined with an exponential site–site distance dependence of the potential of mean force. Our results indicate that solvation free energy parameters derived from nonpeptide free energies of hydration may not be transferrable to peptides. Parameters derived from peptide and protein data may be more applicable to conformational analysis of proteins. A general approach to derive parameters for free energy of hydration from ensemble-averaged properties of peptides in solution is described.