Electron-impact excitation of theD Σu+3andc4 Σu+1Rydberg states ofN2

Absolute optical-emission excitation functions have been measured for the D Σu+3B Πg3 fourth positive system bands (0,v) with v=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and for the c4 Σu+1a Πg1 Gaydon-Herman singlet system bands (0,v) with v=0,1,2,3,4,5 produced by electron-impact excitation of the N2 XΣg+1(v=0) ground state, for incident electron energies ranging from threshold to 440 eV. We find that the DB emission has a principal maximum at 14.1±0.3 eV, a smaller maximum (83% of principal maximum) at 23 eV, and an E3 energy dependence for incident electron energies E>65 eV. Measurements over the energy range 13.5-31 eV indicate the DB emission is unpolarized. The sum over v of the DB (0,v) optical-emission cross sections gives a maximum value 1.27 × 1019 cm2 for the apparent cross section for the v=0 vibrational level of the D Σu+3 state excited by electron collision with the N2 X Σg+1(v=0) ground state. The appearance of two maxima in the DB optical emission is qualitatively confirmed by other experimental work. This point is discussed. For the