Ten Years of Disease-Free Survival between Two Diagnoses of Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report and a Literature Review

Small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) represents one-fifth of all cases of bronchopulmonary cancer and has a 5-yr survival of 2-4%. Long-term survivors of SCLC are at risk for developing second primary aerodigestive tumors. We report a case of a long-term survivor who had a 10-yr disease-free survival between two diagnoses of SCLC. A literature review identified four case reports and seven review series with a total of 26 cases of 5-yr disease-free survivors of SCLC who developed a second SCLC. A total of 4574 patients were reported in the review series. Five-year disease-free survival was documented in 139 of 4574 patients. Twenty-two (15.8%) of those developed a second SCLC over the next 7 yr of follow up, with an averaged annual incidence equal to fivefold that of the general population. Earlier reports of a slow radiographic doubling time for some cases of SCLC suggests that survivors of SCLC may still develop a recurrent SCLC following 12 yr of disease-free follow up. It remains difficult to ascertain whether a second SCLC is a recurrence or a second primary tumor in the absence of a preneoplastic lesion for SCLC. New genetic markers may hold the answer. They may also help screen high-risk patients including survivors of SCLC.