Immunobiology and therapeutic manipulation of heterotransplanted Nb rat prostatic adenocarcinoma

Nb rat prostatic adenocarcinomas, previously induced by the administration of testosterone and estrogen, have been serially studied as heterotransplants into congenitally athymic (nude) mice and into groups of Nb rats. This animal system has been used to evaluate the chemotherapeutic efficacy of 5-fluorouracil and Ftorafur. The use of both species was to determine if there would be any significant difference in relative tumor growth in nude mice which lack functional T cells as opposed to intact Nb rats. The autonomous tumor, 102 Pr, is the subject of the thesis presented herein. One donor Nb rat bearing 102 Pr prostatic adenocarcinoma served as the donor for this experiment. The nude mice and Nb rats received the transplant on the same date and were subjected to the chemotherapies outlined above and were treated after there was sufficient increase in tumor volume from the 2 mm3 wedge to assure growth and neovascularity (>60 mm3). Statistically significant data was presented revealing 5-fluorouracil to be efficacious in the treatment of these tumors. Also presented is data revealing differences in growth versus time in the respective recipient animal hosts. It is suggested herein that this combination animal model system could be used for screening potential cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents.