Discrete-continuum interactions in Cl i and S i

McGuire [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 69, 525–532 (1979)] has argued that an earlier configuration-interaction calculation by one of us on the position of Cl I 3s3p62S is “fundamentally incorrect” and that the agreement between the results of our calculation and those of a multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculation is fortuitous. McGuire furthermore predicts that the two methods will give different answers for the position of S I 3s3p53Pº. We show that the two methods do give the same results in S I. Both methods also correctly predict a large destructive interference in the 3s23p43P0-3s3p53P°1 oscillator strength, whereas McGuire’s alternative calculation gives an oscillator strength that is 500 times larger than the experimental value.