Anaerobic micro-organisms as the cause of corneal ulcer without perforating trauma are extremely rare. In the presently available literature we find only 2 cases recorded, both due to Clostridium tetani (Quentin,1 1937, and Tsutsui,2 1957). Actinomycetes are not as rare in this type of condition but cannot be considered common. Early reports of corneal infections due to ``Streptothrix" (de Bernardinis,3 1904, and others) are probably of organisms of this group. More recent reports of identified Nocardia asteroides (aerobic actinomycetes) include 1 case by Sigtenhorst and Gingrich4 in 1957 cured by topical sulfacetamide and 1 case by Schardt, Unsworth, and Hayes5 in 1956 cured by tetracycline (Achromycin). Search of the available literature, however, fails to reveal any account of definitely identified anaerobic Actinomyces bovis as the cause of primary corneal ulcer without perforating trauma. The present report records this organism as the cause of a central