A Mechanical Model for Passive Behaviour of Rats Carotid Artery. Ein mechanisches Modell für das passive Verhalten der Arteria Carotis von Ratten

Assuming that the arterial wall material is elastic, homogeneous and incompressible, an orthotropic elastic model is presented for rats carotid artery. Introducing a strain energy density function which consists of both polynominal and exponential parts, the simultaneous inflation and the axial stretch of a cylindrical artery is studied and the values of material coefficients are determined by comparing the theoretical pressure and the axial force with the experimental results on rats carotid artery [17]. Using the least square error method, the maximum deviation between the theory and the experiment is found be 3.7%, which seems to be a fairly good approximation. The variation of incremental pressure moduls with inner pressure indicates that, unlike in dog''s abdominal aorta, the relation between the incremental modulus and intraluminal pressure is curvilinear.

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