Estimation of reference change limits using patient data

Two approaches for deriving reference change limits from patient data are described. In the direct method, hospital database information is used for the selection of appropriate reference groups. If database information is not sufficient or reliable enough, but still most of the source data can be considered as health-related, an indirect method can be applied in the calculation of rough estimates for reference change limits. A computer program developed by us, GraphROC for Windows, includes both methods for the estimation of change limits form patient data. Time between specimen collections should be included as one classifying factor in the selection of source data. When only one previous result is available for comparison, change limits based on the reference sample group form the only available guide for clinical interpretation. However, when several previous results are available and the within-subject variances for the considered analyte are known to be heterogeneous between individuals, the clinical interpretation should rather be based on application of time series analysis.

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