Complementation and polarity suppression data are interpreted in terms of the genetic structure of the maltose B region. It is proposed that this region comprises two divergent operons. One operon includes malK, a cistron involved in maltose permeation, and lamB the only known cistron specifically involved in λ receptor synthesis. The other operon includes malJ1 and malJ2 which are most probably two different cistrons, both involved in maltose permeation*. It is further assumed that expression of the two operons is controlled by malT, the positive regulatory gene of the maltose system, located in the malA region. The target(s) for the action of the malT product is (are) most likely to be located between malJ1 and malK. There is an indication that the two operons might overlap in the region of their promoters. The structure of such an overlap as well as the possible function of the products of the different cistrons in malB are briefly discussed.