The analysis of the chipped stone industry of Çatal Hüyük East presented here is based on a collection of 1,377 pieces, of which only 366 are waste flakes. The collection represents the complete assemblage of chipped stone recovered during six weeks' excavation (17th May to 29th June, 1961) by Mr. James Mellaart at which the author assisted. All stone was saved. The area excavated covers approximately two-thirds of an acre, in which nearly forty houses from the various levels were uncovered. The considerable number of chipped stone implements which we collected from the surface of the mound during our first two days at the site (the presence of which along with an Early Neolithic pottery was initially responsible for Mr. Mellaart's special interest in the site) is not presented here. Except for the pleasure of presenting some beautiful examples of pressure flaked projectile points it would not alter the facts as garnered from the excavated material.