Vulnerability of the Organ of Corti in Poisoning

The direct effects of some toxic drugs (kanamycin, dihydrostreptomycin, chloramphenicol, and quinine) upon the organ of Corti have been observed in the guinea pigs. The drug was injected into the middle ear cavity and subsequently reached the organ of Corti through the round window membrane. After several days, the inner ear was taken out and stained with the reagents for succinic dehydrogenase or DPN diaphorase, which were introduced into the tympanic scala through the round window. The following results were obtained: 1. Loss of the enzymes was more apparent in the cells witli higher metabolic activities, such as the outer hair cells or the nerve endings. 2. Patterns of damage to the organ of Corti seemed to be almost identical. But a smaller difference between antibiotic poisoning and quinine poisoning was found. Generally, it seemed to be possible that higher metabolic activities of the outer hair cells are responsible for weakness of the cells in pathologic processes in the ear. Die unmittelbaren Wirkungen einiger toxiseher Arzneimittel (Kanamycin, Di-hydrostreptomycin, Chloramphenicol und Quinin) auf das Cortisehe Organ wur-den an Meerschweinchen untersucht. Das Beschadigimgsmuster des Cortischen Organs schien fast identiseh zu sein und zeigte die sehwerste Degeneration der äusscren Haarzellcn sowie Nervenendigungen, welche beide an den Kontrolltieren höhere metabolische Tätigkeiten besassen. Im allgemeinen scheint es wahrschein-lieli, dass höhere metabolische Aktivität der äusscren Haarzellen für ihre Vul-nerabilität (Sclrwäehe gegen pathologische Prozesse) verantwortlieli sind.