Puerperal ovarian vein thrombosis: evaluation with CT, US, and MR imaging.

Five women suspected of having puerperal ovarian vein thrombosis (POVT) were examined with either computed tomography (CT) (five patients), ultrasonography (US) (three patients), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (one patient), or a combination of these modalities. CT findings included tubular retroperitoneal mass (five patients), periuterine mass (four patients), enlarged uterus (four patients), fluid in the uterus (five patients), central ovarian vein thrombus (four patients), inferior vena cava thrombus (one patient), right hydroureter (one patient), and right ureteral compression (one patient). US findings were similar to CT findings except for an inability to demonstrate the right hydroureter and ureteral compression. MR imaging demonstrated the retroperitoneal mass and central ovarian vein thrombus. CT proved to be superior for the initial evaluation and subsequent diagnosis of POVT. US was useful for follow-up examinations, and MR imaging results confirmed a case of POVT that was suspected following CT.

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