A bio‐psychosocial evaluation of ten adolescents with fibromyalgia

A comprehensive assessment of 10 adolescents (mean age 15.7 years) fulfilling the ACR criteria for fibromyalgia, disclosed that 3 patients also had juvenile chronic arthritis. Based on semi-structured psychiatric interviews, testing and family assessments, 6 of the patients had a psychiatric diagnosis (over anxious and/or depressive disorders). The pain scores for the group (mean 5.0, SD 1.5) were significantly higher than for a comparison group of patients with juvenile chronic arthritis (mean 2.5, SD 1.7), (p < 0.01). Average IQ was normal (mean 102.3, SD 13.9), but striving for achievement and high parental expectations were evident in 8 families. Seven of the mothers and 3 of the fathers had chronic diseases. The frequency of individual and family stress indicates a need for psychosocial assessment and counselling soon after onset of symptoms. This study also serves as a reminder that the diagnosis of juvenile chronic arthritis does not exclude fibromyalgia.