Pseudolocal modes of guest molecules in mixed molecular crystals: Photon echo experiments and computer simulations

The temperature-dependent optical dephasing of anthracene, 9-methylanthracene, and 2-methylanthracene monomers in phenanthrene host crystals has been measured using photon echo experiments. Despite large linear electron–acoustic phonon coupling, all three systems dephase because of coupling to pseudolocal modes (local motions of the guest molecule). Computer simulations of the three systems calculate the pseudolocal mode eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In contrast to previous discussions in the literature which describe pseudolocal modes as librations, the predicted eigenvalues are in reasonable agreement with the measured pseudolocal mode energies. The predicted eigenvectors are combinations of translational motion along the long molecular axis and rotational motion about the out-of-plane axis of the guest. Differences in site energies for various locations and orientations of the methyl group are calculated.