Ultrastructural study of the renal tubular system in acute experimental African swine fever: virus replication in glomerular mesangial cells and in the collecting ducts

Despite the considerable attention given to kidney lesions in African swine fever (ASF), a number of questions remain to be answered. Structural and ultrastructural examination showed that a highly virulent isolate of ASF virus (Malawi 83) replicated in glomerular mesangial cells and renal collecting duct epithelial cells, with hyperplasia of the latter in infected pigs. Replication in mesangial cells may be due to their contact with the bloodstream, as well as to their phagocytic capacity and high metabolism rate. Virus replication in macrophages and endothelial cells of interstitial capillaries, and the necrosis of these infected cells gave rise to a large number of free virus in interstitial tissue. This, together with the lesser thickness of the basal membrane of collecting ducts in comparison to the rest of the tubular system, probably facilitates ASFV infection of tubular epithelial cells. Virus replication in these cells may account for the presence of virus in the urine of pigs with acute ASF where haematuria is not observed.