NURBS-based free-form deformations

Since the advent of computer-based geometric modeling, designers have tried to develop modeling and deformation tools that allow users to emulate the ease with which sculptors work with clay. T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry (1986) demonstrated the application of free-form deformations. FFDs let the user conceptually embed an object in a clear pliable solid and apply deformations to the solid, which then carry through to the encased object. We describe a technique that logically extends current FFDs by basing them on nonuniform rational B-splines. The resulting NURBS-based FFDs (NFFDs) offer flexibility and control not achieved in prior implementations. We conclude by describing a straightforward combination of this technique with global and local deformations of solid primitives used to animate a lifelike surface model of the human leg.

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