EEG Abnormalities in Diabetic Children

The effect of diabetic control upon EEC has seldom been studied. In the present investigation, a significant positive correlation between EEC ab normalities and degree of diabetic control was found, but no definite increase was noted in relation to the duration of diabetes. Eighty per cent of our patients having more than 5 severe hypoglycemic attacks showed evidence of abnormal EEG, suggesting that hypoglycemic coma or convulsions are closely related to EEC abnormalities (minor hypoglycemic episodes had no effect on the EEG). With the sensitive technique of fluorescein angiography, we demonstrated a clear correlation between incipient retinal angiopathy and EEC abnormalities. The factors that most positively relate to pathologic electrocerebral (EEG) activity in diabetic children are frequent and severe hypoglycemic attacks, comas and/or convulsions, and vascular changes in the retina.