It has long been known that sea water is alkaline and numerous determinations of its alkalinity have been made. The method adopted was the usual one for mixtures of carbonates and bicarbonates, or some modification of it. Those waters which give no colour with phenolphthalein contain bicarbonate only, but for the most part ocean waters have a small amount of carbonate also. Owing to the presence of larger amounts of carbonates and bicarbonates the reaction of sea water is more stable than that of rain or river water, inasmuch as it has a greater alkaline reserve which acts as a “buffer.” The significance of this has been pointed out by Moore, Prideaux, and Herdman (1915) and by other workers. The measurement of alkalinity was carried out by the above named using N/100 hydrochloric acid and titrating to the end points with phenol phthalein and methyl orange. The results are recorded in cubic centimetres of centinormal acid per 100 c.c. of sea water; this is convenient as it is what is measured directly, but others adopt the perhaps more rational notation of milligram equivalents of hydroxyl per litre (Buch, 1914). One cubic centimetre of N/100 acid per 100 c.c. corresponds to 0.1 milligram equivalent per litre. Some workers on fresh waters, Birge and Juday (1911) for example, consider water as acid if it contains more carbon dioxide than that sufficient to convert the carbonate into bicarbonate, and titrate back to a pink with phenolphthalein. Their acid water is, however, still alkaline to methyl orange.

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