The source and nature of some functional antigens of Trichuris muris

Vaccination with whole male worm extract (AMA), stichoseome extract (SA) and a short-term inculbation fluid (EXA) of adult Trichuris muris induced a high degree of protective immunity in mice as assessed by reduction in larval worm burden.Immunodiffusion of AMA against rabbit anti-AMA serum revealed five precipitin lines, one of which was common to both EXA and SA with which only single lines were obtained.Physico-chemical tests suggested that the antigen is a protein and that carbohydrate, lipid and DNA do not contribute to its antigenicity. Partial fractionation was obtained with ammonium sulphate. All preparations with immunogenic activity showed the common line of EXA on immunodiffusion.It is concluded that one of the protective immunogens is a protein which can be associated with the precipitin line and originates in the stichosome.