Occurrence of Yersinia enterocolitica in wild-living birds and Japanese serows

Yersinia spp. were isolated from 34 of 500 birds representing nine species. The highest isolation rate, 5 of 21 (23.8%), was found in blue magpies (Cyanopia cyanus), followed by pheasants (Phasianus colchicus tohkaidi), 5 of 33 (15.2%); gray starlings (Sturnus cineraceus), 6 of 57 (10.5%); tree sparrows (Passer montanus), 1 of 14 (7.1%); bulbuls (Hypsipetes amaurotis), 4 of 57 (7.0%); crows (Corvus levailantii or Corvus corone), 7 of 117 (6.0%); eastern turtledoves (Streptopelia orientalis), 4 of 118 (3.4%); Chinese bamboo pheasants (Bumbusicola thoracica thoracica), 1 of 36 (2.8%); and domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica), 1 of 47 (2.1%). The isolates were identified as Yersinia enterocolitica O:3, O:4, O:4,32, O:5A, O:6,30, O:7,8, and O:14, Yersinia frederiksenii, Yersinia intermedia, and Yersinia kristensenii. Yersinia spp. were isolated from 35 of 157 wild-living Japanese serows (Capricornis cripus). The isolates were identified as Y. enterocolitica O:4, O:4,32, O:5A, O:7, O:7,8, O:9, O:14, O:18, and O:34, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, and Y. kristensenii.