Structural examinations were made on xanthoplanine, a new water-soluble quaternary base contained in Xanthoxylum planispium SIEB. et ZUCC. (Japanese name “Fuyuzansho”) (Rutaceae), and O-methylxanthoplanine iodide was found to be entirely identical with O, O-dimethyllaurifoline iodide (I:R1-4=CH3). It was further confirmed that O-ethylxanthoplanine iodide showed the same infrared spectrum (in chloroform) as that of synthesized dl-O-ethyl-N-methyllaurotetanine methiodide (VII) and that O-ethylxanthoplanine methine methiodide showed the same infrared curve (KBr) as that of synthesized O-ethyl-N-methyllaurotetanine methine methiodide (IX). It follows, therefore, that the new base, xanthoplanine, is N, N-dimethyllaurotetanine, an aporphine-type quaternary base indicated by formula (X).

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