The Classroom Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) was developed to provide school psychologists with a measure of learning-related classroom behaviors of elementary school pupils. The initial item pool consisted of 100 behavioral statements reflecting learning-related behaviors (e.g., attention, persistence) delineated within various educational environments (e.g., large group instruction, seat work). On the basis of teacher evaluations of each item with respect to clarity, relevance to classroom learning, and ability to be accurately rated, a 72-item scale was developed. After field testing and item analysis, 32 items were removed. A 40-item scale with an estimated internal-consistency reliability of .98 resulted. The 40-item CBRS was then completed on 218 students. Similar reliability estimates were found. The CBRS demonstrated substantial validity as shown by correlations with academic achievement tests, IQ scores, and teacher ratings of other classroom behavior problems.