Forty-eight cross-bred wether lambs were used to measure the effects of severe feed restriction and realimentation on the body and carcass composition of immature sheep. Ten of the total number of sheep were used as an initial slaughter group, 12 were continuously fed (six at the ad libitum level of intake and six at 70% ad libitum), 26 were progressively underfed and 18 of them were realimented after a mean loss of about 25% empty body weight (EBW).Shrunk body weight (SBW = weight after an 18-h fast with access to water) was a good predictor of empty body weight (EBW = SBW minus gastro-intestinal contents) and the EBW of continuously growing sheep was a good predictor of body water, protein, fat, energy and ash, but it was not precise after realimentation, particularly in the early stages of refeeding. Restricted continuous supermaintenance feeding did not alter the body composition of the sheep from that of the sheep on the ad libitum intake at any given EBW except slightly to increase the carcass protein content.Although underfeeding to produce an EBW loss of 25% generally produced changes in the chemical body components which were similar to a reversal of normal growth, body fat did not decrease during the first half of the submaintenance feeding and did not increase during the first 2 weeks of realimentation. Under all circumstances percentage body fat was very closely related to percentage body water.Sheep realimented at 26 kg (after losing 25% EBW) contained, at 45 kg EBW, more bodywater and protein and less fat and energy than continuously-fed animals of the same EBW. The treatment effects were greater in the carcass and had little effect on the non-carcass EBW, with th e result that the refed sheep had 1800 g more water × protein in a carcass that weighed 700 g more than one from a normally grown sheep of the same EBW. The regression of calorific value of th e ash-free dry matter on body fat as a percentage of ash-free dry matter gave calorific values of body protein and fat as 5·652 and 9·342 kcal/g of ash-free dry matter, respectively.