Colostral Immunoglobulin Concentration in Two Fractions of First Milking Postpartum and Five Additional Milkings

Colostrum removed from mammary glands of parturient cows before letdown contained no greater concentration of Ig than colostrum collected after letdown and complete milking. Greater absorption of colostral Ig in calves suckling their dams initially postpartum over those hand fed by buckets or bottles is not from higher concentration of Ig in the gland and teat cistern. Colostral concentrations of 3 Ig classes (G, M and A) obtained from 1 partial and 6 consecutive complete milkings at 12 h intervals postpartum decreased at different rates over time or number of milkings. Potential prophylactic value is discussed of continued lacteal secretion of Ig A and M available to systemic absorption of colostral Ig.