Genetic control of acid phosphate isozymes in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) heynh

Starch gel electrophoresis in a discontinuous buffer system has enabled us to study two acid phosphatase systems (AcPh-1 and AcPh-2) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The AcPh-2 bands are much more prominent than those belonging to AcPh-1. Among the 17 geographic races, one variant for AcPh-2 was detected. A study of F 1 hybrids and F 2 segregating progenies showed that AcPh-2 variants are controlled by two codominant alleles (AcPh-2 N and AcPh-2 F ) at one locus. The heterozygotes are characterized by an intermediated hybrid band in addition to the two parental ones, thus showing that these proteins are at least dimeric structures.