✓ A balloon catheter technique for catheterization of human cerebral blood vessels is described. Temporary occlusion of different cerebral vessels was successfully accomplished in more than 300 cases, including investigations of collateral blood flow, intraarterial pressure, brain temperature, the vital staining of tumors, and the introduction of chemical agents. Temporary occlusion of the internal carotid artery makes possible angiography of the external carotid, while occlusion of separate branches of the external carotid permits selective angiography of its functioning branches. The balloon catheter is valuable in investigating arteriovenous and carotid-cavernous fistulas. With the help of a detachable balloon it is possible to occlude the cavity of arterial aneurysms or the afferent vessels of arteriovenous aneurysms; it is also useful as a means to shut off the blood flow to arterial aneurysms and carotid-cavernous fistulas when access is difficult. A method for reconstruction of the cavernous part of the carotid artery in cases of carotid-cavernous fistulas is described.