The values of Slater–Condon (F2, F4, F6) and Racah (E1, E2, E3) interelectronic repulsion and Landé 4f) spin–orbit interaction parameters have been computed from already observed visible and near infrared absorption spectra of 24 Nd3+ complexes. Using these parameters the energies of 27 energy levels of each complex have been calculated. The agreement between the computed and experimental energy levels is good (average deviation, 32–55 cm−1; rms deviation, 59–117 cm−1). The variation of all the parameters in the complexes from the corresponding Nd3+ “free” ion parameters has been discussed. The average values of F4 / F2 and F6 / F2 for Nd3+ complexes have been found to be ≃ 0.15 and ≃ 0.015, respectively, which are different from those calculated assuming wavefunctions to be hydrogenic or by using Hartee–Fock methods. Using F2 values the nephelauxetic ratio β and bonding parameter b1/2 have been calculated. The complexes have been arranged in increasing order of covalent bonding. For the same ligand the covalency decreases as the atomic number of the rare‐earth metal ion increases.