Ovariectomized rabbits received 3H‐estradiol via an ear vein and were killed one hour later. Autoradiograms were prepared and exposed up to six months. Labeled cells, as indicated by many silver grains over the nucleus of a neuron, were found in many nuclei of the brain. Thus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis had labeled cell bodies. The stria terminalis leads into the medial preoptic area where great numbers of cells concentrated the estrogen. Farther into the hypothalamus the labeled cells were numerous in the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei. Other locations with labeled cells were the lateral septal nucleus and nucleus accumbens septi, the periventricular preoptic nucleus, anterior hypothalamic nucleus, nucleus supraopticus diffusus, posterior hypothalamic nucleus, and premammillary nucleus. The labeled cells could be followed into the central gray surrounding the aqueduct of Sylvius. The amygdaloid nuclei, and in particular the medial amygdaloid nucleus, had labeled cells as did the most ventral posterior part of the hippocampal cortex. The results are discussed in comparison with those in the rat, and with reference to physiologic data.