The effects of double and triple combinations of acyclovir (ACV), adenine arabinoside (ara-A), arabinosyl hypoxanthine, or interferon on herpes simplex virus type 2 in mouse embryo fibroblasts were measured. These in vitro data were compared with results obtained in mice infected intravaginally with herpes simplex virus type 2 and treated intraperitoneally with low- and high-dose combinations of ACV, ara-A, or polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid(poly-L-lysine)carboxymethylcellulose complex [poly IC(LC)], an interferon inducer. Although all double combinations and one triple combination evoked synergistic reactions in vitro, results did not necessarily predict in vivo observations. In vivo synergy was observed when combinations of ACV and ara-A and low doses of ara-A-ACV-poly IC(LC) were used. However, toxicity was seen with full-dose nucleoside-poly IC(LC) doublets. The full-dose ACV-ara-A combination completely prevented progression beyond vaginitis, with all animals surviving. The ara-A-ACV results observed in mice, together with in vivo data of others, suggest that this combination might prove clinically useful for certain herpes simplex virus type 2 infections.

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