Pulmonary capillary recruitment during airway hypoxia in the dog

To study the effect of hypoxia on the pulmonary capillaries, windows were inserted in the chest wall of 9 pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs. A microscope with an image-superimposing device was used to make drawings of the perfused capillaries. Summed lengths of individual perfused capillaries in the drawing were determined with a map-measuring tool. Total capillary length was constant between PaO2 of 160 and 70 Torr. As PaO2 fell below 70 Torr, recruitment of previously unperfused capillaries occurred in every case; at PaO2 of 40 Torr, the total length of perfused capillaries was about 4 times greater than during normoxia. There was no correlation between the recruitment of capillaries and alterations in left atrial pressure, only a weak correlation with cardiac output changes, but a very strong correlation with increased pulmonary artery pressure. This implies that recruitment was probably caused by vasoconstriction within the lung.

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