Image cytometry of estrogen receptors in breast carcinomas

A significant level of estrogen receptors (ER) in breast cancer cells is an indication of tumor differentiation and suggests that a homeostatic control of cell growth may persist in these cancers. In medical practice, the Dextran-coated charcoal assays (DCCA) are still the most frequently used test to characterize patients having ER-positive malignant breast tumors and for whom hormonal therapy is justified. Nevertheless, this routine biochemical technique is not satisfactory because it is a broad method unsuitable for revealing receptor tissue heterogeneity. However, immunocytochemical labeling, such as the ERICA method, which involves a monoclonal antibody linked to peroxidase, is a specific reaction for this purpose but which until now was not quantitative. The present study uses an original cell preparation technique combining the PAP reaction with toluidine blue counterstain for image analysis on the SAMBA system. Special software has been developed for the quantitative analysis of immunocytochemistry in cancers. Results obtained showed a high correlation between the DCCA values and the score derived from the mean ER concentration per positive tumor cell and the labeling index. In addition, intracell and intratumor heterogeneity can be displayed according to several parameters and were shown to vary according to tumor and to antiestrogen (Tamoxifen) presurgical therapy.