Molecular Compton profiles from SCF-MO wavefunctions

This paper considers the dependence of Compton profiles calculated from molecular wavefunctions on the atomic basis set used. For fluoromethane there is no significant difference between profiles calculated with a Slater minimal basis set and with STO-3G, STO-4G and STO-5G sets. A Slater double-zeta set and Dunning's gaussian basis give essentially the same profile and the addition of polarization functions to the Dunning basis has little effect. For methanol, methylamine and ethane there is a significant difference between the STO-3G profiles and those calculated from extended basis sets but again the addition of polarization functions has little effect. The use of Dunning's basis would seem to be adequate for Compton profile calculations for molecules of medium size. As one goes along the series from ethane to fluoromethane the Compton profile becomes broader.