The palaeobotanical study of 17 lakes and peat‐bogs situated in the different vegetation belts of three adjoining mountains in the northern French Alps provide the basis for a scenario of vegetational development over the last 15 millennia. The main events of this vegetational history are described, particular emphasis given to the importance of altitude and continentality in the establishment of the major species involved in the present vegetation belts. The novel features of this history are: — the large and diachronic development of Betula — the early and important role of Alnus — the predominance of Abies throughout the Atlantic and the Subboreal between 1000 m and 2000 m altitude — the fluctuating role of Pinus during the Holocene: modest or transitory role in the outer zone, except above 2000 m, where Pinus was abundant during the Subboreal; more important role in the inner zone. — the recent dominance of Larix and Picea.