An Evaluation of the Ability of Priscoline, Regitine, and Roniacol to Overcome Vasospasm in Normal Man

This paper is a study of the comparative efficacy of Priscoline, Regitine, and Roniacol in relaxing vasospasm in the extremities of normal human subjects. A total of 60 studies were performed on 14 subjects. Severe cutaneous vasospasm was induced by exposure of the lightly clad subject to an environmental temperature of 20 C. for one hour or more. In half the tests the severe vasospasm was reduced to moderate vasospasm by application of heat to the torso of the chilled subjects. The effectiveness of the drugs was tested by giving them by intravenous infusion after the appropriate state of vasospasm had been obtained. The degree of relaxation of vasospasm was estimated from the resulting changes in cutaneous temperature recorded with thermocouples.