Reflection by defects in a tight-binding model of nanotubes

We use a transfer-matrix method to study defects in a tight-binding model of carbon nanotubes. We calculate the reflection coefficient R for a simple barrier created by a pointlike defect of strength E in armchair (Na,Na) and zigzag (Na,0) nanotubes for the whole range of energy ω and arbitrary number of conducting channels. We find that R scales at the Fermi level (i.e., ω=0) as R=s(E/t)2/Na2 (t being the hopping parameter), where s1/6 (for the armchair nanotubes) and s1/2 (for the zigzag nanotubes). We also perform a similar calculation for a “5-77-5” defect and find the results to be like the ones obtained for a strong point defect with E=6t.