Evidence for Filamentarity in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

We apply Shapefinders, statistical measures of `shape' constructed from two dimensional partial Minkowski functionals, to study the degree of filamentarity in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). In two dimensions, three Minkowski functionals characterise the morphology of an object, they are: its perimeter (L), area (S), and genus. Out of L and S a single dimensionless Shapefinder Statistic, F can be constructed (0 <=F <=1). F acquires extreme values on a circle (F = 0) and a filament (F = 1). Using F, we quantify the extent of filamentarity in the LCRS by comparing our results with a Poisson distribution with similar geometrical properties and having the same selection function as the survey. Our results unambiguously demonstrate that the LCRS displays a high degree of filamentarity both in the Northern and Southern galactic sections a result that is in general agreement with the visual appearance of the catalogue. It is well known that gravitational clustering from Gaussian initial conditions gives rise to the development of non-Gaussianity reflected in the formation of a network-like filamentary structure on supercluster scales. Consequently the fact that the smoothed LCRS catalogue shows properties consistent with those of a Gaussian random field (Colley 1997) whereas the unsmoothed catalogue demonstrates the presence of filamentarity lends strong support to the conjecture that the large scale clustering of galaxies is driven by gravitational instability.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap