Paper Chromatography of Protein Mixtures and Blood Plasmas

A technique for the two dimensional chromatography of blood plasma and protein mixtures on filter paper is described. Separations of protein constituents are greatly facilitated by the addition to the plasma, or the protein mixture, of surface active agents such as "Tweens," "Spans," etc. The technique at present adopted is to add "Tween 85" or "Tween 81" to plasma and, using hemin as protein "marker," to employ 0.1 [image] sucrose soln. in the first dimension and O.l[image] Na K tartrate soln. in the 2d dimension. Whatman No. 1 filter paper is used. Characteristic differences between the protein patterns of the chromatograms of human, rat and guinea pig plasmas were observed. With protein mixtures, associations of proteins may occur that may be detected by chromatography. The sera of horses immunized against diphtheria toxin yield chromatograms which differ from, and exhibit fractions not present in, chromatograms of normal horse sera.