Neurocognitive performance enhanced by highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected women

To determine whether highly active retroviral therapy (HAART) is associated with better neurocognitive outcome over time among HIV-infected women with severely impaired immune function. A semiannual neurocognitive examination on four tasks was administered: Color Trail Making, Controlled Oral Word Association, Grooved Pegboard and Four-Word Learning. This protocol was initiated in the HIV Epidemiological Research study (HERS) study when a woman's CD4 cell count fell to 6 HAART was not available to any participant at the time of enrollment (baseline), while 44% reported taking HAART at their most recent visit (mean duration of HAART 36.3 ± 12.6 months). HAART-treated women had improved neurocognitive performance compared with those not treated with HAART. Women taking HAART for 18 months or more showed the strongest neurocognitive performance with improved verbal fluency, psychomotor and executive functions. These functions worsened among women not taking HAART. Substance abuse status, severity of depressive symptoms, age and educational level did not influence the HAART treatment effects on neurocognitive performance. Neurocognitive improvements were strongly associated with the magnitude of CD4 cell count increases. HAART appeared to produce beneficial effect on neurocognitive functioning in HIV-infected women with severely impaired immune systems. Benefits were greatest for women who reported receiving HAART for more than 18 months.