Family Studies in Bechterew's Syndrome (Ankylosing Spondylitis): II.Prevalences of Symptoms and Signs in Relatives of HLA 827 Negative Probands

All available adult first-degree relatives of 9 probands with HLAB27 negative ankylosing spondylitis were examined. Completion rate was 90%. Prevalences of symptoms and signs and distributions of chest and spinal mobility are presented. No secondary case of Bechterew's syndrome was found among the relatives, compared with 10% among the relatives of HLAB27 positive probands (p=0.05). We conclude from this study and that of relatives of HLAB27 positive probands, that a HLA827 negative relative runs a low risk of contracting Bechterew's syndrome, irrespective of the HLAB27 status of the proband.