Jessners lymphocytic infiltration of the skin (14 cases) and discoid lupus erythematosus (13 cases) were studied and the lymphoid infiltrates in the dermis were compared in the two conditions, using a standard immunoperoxidase technique. Mouse monoclonal antibodies were used to identify T helper lymphocytes, T suppressor lymphocytes and, using the antibody Leu 8, "immunoregulatory lymphocytes". It was shown that the proportions of Leu 8 positive cells was significantly different in the two conditions. The average percentage of Leu 8 positive lymphocytes in the dermal infiltrate found in the cases of Jessner''s was 65% (range 40-80%) whereas the average percentage in the cases of discoid LE was 15% (range 2-30%). This observation is further evidence that Jessner''s lymphocytic infiltration and chronic discoid lupus erythematosus should be regarded as separate entities.