Symmetries and Dynamics of Nonleptonic Decays

It is shown that the strength of the K1vacuumvertex, arising solely through medium-strong SU(3)-breaking interactions, is large and can provide a natural explanation for the octet enhancement of the parity-violating nonleptonic amplitudes. Furthermore, the sum rule A(Λp+π)+2A(ΞΛ+π)=3A(Σ+p+π0) for parity-violating hyperon decays, derived on the basis of the λ6 transformation, also holds if the amplitudes are dominated by any or all of the following: the baryon octet, baryon decuplet, or scalar- or vector-octet pole terms, arising through the K1 tadpole. This is true even though the latter transforms like λ7. Thus it is concluded that neither the forbiddenness of the K1 tadpole in the limit of SU(3) nor the existence of the sum rule for the parity-violating decays on the basis of the λ6 transformation provide any argument against a possible dynamical picture of octet enhancement in nonleptonic transitions. The dynamics considered in the present note should be important regardless of whether the octet transformation has a dynamical or primary origin. Comments are also made on some other directly related problems: (i) the possible effect of symmetry violation on an otherwise forbidden transition (especially K12π decay), (ii) the meaning of enhancement of nonleptonic rates compared with leptonic ones, and (iii) the ratio of Γ(K+π++π0) to Γ(K1π++π).