Activation of Embryonic Red and White Muscle Fibers During Fictive Swimming in the Developing Zebrafish

Sub-threshold, motoneuron-evoked synaptic activity was observed in zebrafish embryonic red (ER) and white (EW) muscle fibers paralyzed with a dose of d-tubocurarine insufficient to abolish synaptic activity to determine whether muscle activation was coordinated to produce the undulating body movements required for locomotion. Paired whole-cell recordings revealed a synaptic drive that alternated between ipsilateral and contralateral myotomes and exhibited a rostral-caudal delay in timing appropriate for swimming. Both ER and EW muscle were activated during fictive swimming. However, at the fastest fictive swimming rates, ER fibers were de-recruited, whereas they could be active in isolation of EW fibers at the slowest fictive swimming rates. Prior to hatching, fictive swimming was preceded by a lower frequency, more robust and rhythmic synaptic drive resembling the “coiling” behavior of fish embryos. The motor activity observed in paralyzed zebrafish closely resembled the swimming and coiling behaviors observed in these developing fishes. At the early developmental stages examined in this study, myotomal muscle recruitment and coordination were similar to that observed in adult fishes during swimming. Our results indicate that the patterned activation of myotomal muscle is set from the onset of development.