Serum zinc, copper, and the Cu/Zn ratio in patients with benign and malignant breast lesions

Serum zinc, copper, and the Cu/Zn ratio were evaluated in 80 patients with breast lesions prior to surgery. There were 37 patients with benign and 43 with malignant breast lesions. There was no evidence of weight loss, impaired appetite, or change in cating pattern in any of the patients. There was a statistically significant difference for the mean SCL and Cu/Zn ratio between controls, age 66–94, and patients with malignant breast lesions. This difference was also observed between the ages of 20–45 and 66–94 among controls, suggesting that this is age related rather than disease related. The range of distribution for SZL and SCL were similar for all groups studied. Neither SZL, SCL, or the Cu/Zn ratio were of value in discriminating between controls and patients with benign or malignant breast lesions. We were unable to demonstrate the value of these parameters as markers of disease activity in patients with benign or malignant breast lesions.