Urethrocystometry as a routine method for the objective evaluation of women with urinary incontinence

Over a 2-year period, 401 patients with urinary incontinence were examined at the Women's Clinics in Lund and Malmö and then investigated by urethral pressure profile measurement and simultaneous urethrocystometry. After full investigation the patients could be classified as follows: 214 (53.4%) had genuine stress incontinence, 48 (12.0%) had genuine urge incontinence, 41 (10.2%) had mixed incontinence, 20 (5.0%) had urgency-frequency, 6 (1.5%) had neurogenic incontinence, 9 (2.2%) had incontinence of uncertain aetiology, and 63 (15.7%) of the patients were apparently continent with normal urethral pressure profiles and urethrocystometrograms.