Replicating the positivity effect in picture memory in Koreans: Evidence for cross-cultural generalizability.

Older adults' relatively better memory for positive over negative material (positivity effect) has been widely observed in Western samples. This study examined whether a relative preference for positive over negative material is also observed in older Koreans. Younger and older Korean participants viewed images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), were tested for recall and recognition of the images, and rated the images for valence. Cultural differences in the valence ratings of images emerged. Once considered, the relative preference for positive over negative material in memory observed in older Koreans was indistinguishable from that observed previously in older Americans.
Funding Information
  • National Institute on Aging (R37 AG008816, F31 AG032804)
  • German Research Foundation
  • National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH068879)