The Flexibility of Alternating dA—dT Sequences

The flexibility of alternating poly (dA—dT) has been investigated by the technique of transient electric dichroism. Rotational relaxation times, which are very sensitive to changes in the end-to-end length of flexible polymers, are determined from the field free dichroism decay curves of four, well defined fragments of poly (dA—dT) ranging in size from 136 to 270 base pairs. Persistence lengths, calculated from the results of Hagerman and Zimm (Biopolymers (1981) 29, 1481–1502), are in the range 200–250 A. This makes alternating dA—dT sequences about twice as flexible as naturally occurring, “random” sequence DNA. Considering a bend around a nucleosome, for example, this difference in persistence length translates to an energy difference between poly (dA—dT) and random sequence DNA of 0. 17 kT/base pair or 1 kcal per 10 base pair stretch. This energy difference is sufficiently large to suggest that dA—dT sequences could serve as markers in DNA packaging, for example, at sites where DNA must tightly bend to accommodate structures.