Separating Thermal and Nonthermal X-Rays in Supernova Remnants I: Total Fits to SN 1006 AD

The remnant of SN 1006 has an X-ray spectrum dominated by nonthermal emission, and pre-ASCA observations were well described by a synchrotron calculation with electron energies limited by escape. We describe the results of a much more stringent test: fitting spatially integrated ASCA GIS (0.6-8 keV) and RXTE PCA (3-10 keV) data with a combination of the synchrotron model SRESC newly ported to XSPEC and a new thermal shock model VPSHOCK. The new model can describe the continuum emission above 2 keV well, in both spatial distribution and spectrum. We find that the emission is dominantly nonthermal, with a small but noticeable thermal component: Mg and Si are clearly visible in the integrated spectrum. The synchrotron component rolls off smoothly from the extrapolated radio spectrum, with a characteristic rolloff frequency of 3.1E17 Hz, at which the spectrum has dropped about a factor of 6 below a powerlaw extrapolation from the radio spectrum. Comparison of TeV observations with new TeV model images and spectra based on the X-ray model fits gives a mean post-shock magnetic field strength of about 9 microGauss, implying (for a compression ratio of 4) an upstream magnetic field of 3 microGauss, and fixing the current energy content in relativistic electrons at about 7E48 ergs, resulting in a current electron-acceleration efficiency of about 5%. This total energy is about 100 times the energy in the magnetic field. Our results indicate that joint thermal and nonthermal fitting, using sophisticated models, will be required for analysis of most supernova-remnant X-ray data in the future.

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