Effects of Extremely Low Frequency (Elf) Electric Fields On Cell Growth and Dna Repair In Human Skin Fibroblasts

A number of physical and chemical agents in the environment have been studied for their ability to induce or alter DNA repair mechanisms in human cells. We have investigated the effects of 60 Hz, 1000 V/cm electric fields on DNA repair in normal human fibroblasts in vitro. an examination was done on the ability of electric fields suspected to cause damage which could be repaired by thymine dimer excision and measurable by the bromodeoxyuridine photolysis assay. the thymine dimer assay with enzyme‐sensitive site analysis was used to measure the cells' capacity for removing ultraviolet light (u.v.)‐induced pyrimidine dimers; (i) during exposure to electric field 24 hr before U.V. irradiation; (ii) 24 hr after U.V. irradiation; and (iii) up to 48 hr continuously after U.V. irradiation. Cell growth and cell survival following electric field exposure were also studied. Within the limits of these experiments, it was found that exposure to such electric fields did not alter cell growth or survival, and no DNA repair or alteration in DNA excision repair capacity was observed as compared with unexposed control cultures.